Staying hydrated is so important, especially as the weather begins to warm up! Hydration helps to regulate body temperature and supports the immune system. It also aids in the digestive system, preventing constipation and promoting bowel health. Some research suggests that hydration is a critical component of regulating mood and sleep patterns!

So how much water do we really need to stay hydrated? A general rule of thumb is to consume at least half of your body weight in ounces of water. Of course, feel free to drink more water than this in addition to whenever you’re thirsty! Fluid needs vary from person to person and can increase due to illness, injury, physical activity, and warmer temperatures. The body’s natural responses to these conditions, including inflammation and sweating, serve as forms of fluid loss! This means we need to drink even more water to stay hydrated during and after working out as well as during the spring and summer months.

It’s important to note that drinking water is always preferred over other beverages. Nevertheless, some drinks like decaffeinated teas, juices, and sports drinks can be hydrating as well. Coffee and alcohol, on the other hand, are diuretics which means that they promote water loss. While it’s totally fine to drink coffee and alcohol in moderation, remember that their consumption can be dehydrating in excessive amounts. 

Fluid intake not only comes from the beverages we consume but also from foods! Some foods high in water are watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, celery, bell peppers, and cantaloupe! Soups and bone broth are also a great way to sneak in some extra fluids, notably when we’re feeling under the weather or recovering from illness/injury.  

One sure way to test whether or not you’re hydrated is by checking the color of your urine: Healthy urine should be a pale yellow to yellow color. Urine that is very dark yellow may indicate dehydration or risk of becoming dehydrated! 

Long story short, don’t neglect water and fruits and vegetables with high water content. Hydration is a key aspect of overall health, supporting stable energy levels and daily functioning. 


My Best,
