Many American families lack the knowledge, tools and financial resources to eat well, resulting in an epidemic of chronic, preventable health conditions, like obesity and diabetes, which too often impact low-income families.

To make healthy eating more equitable and accessible, registered dietitian Arielle Kestenbaum recently founded Fare Meals, a nonprofit organization that provides free nutrition education, programming, and resources – the tools families need to prepare healthy, easy, and affordable meals. Our three core programs include:


Our nutrition education programming is delivered virtually – and is free to everyone – including workshops and monthly webinars featuring topics like How to Find Healthy Food in Corner Stores and How to Keep Healthy Foods on the Shopping List When Your Budget Drops.


Our online resource hub features a blog with posts written by nutrition education professionals and recipes that are created and scored on three main pillars – affordability, health, and ease. A simple search and filter system helps families navigate the cost, ease, and health benefit of every meal.


All recipes fit in the range of $4-$25 depending on ingredients and serve up to 5 people, averaging to just $1- $5 per person.


Each recipe also includes the main health benefit your family will get from the ingredients in that meal, such as increased energy, stay full longer, and help build the immune system.


We know that not everyone loves to cook, has the time to cook, or is very good at cooking – so these recipes make it as easy and quick to cook as possible. The easiest ones are great starters for kids!


In 2022, Fare Meals will begin providing families with free nutrition counseling as a means of empowering both parents and kids with the critical knowledge about how to eat healthy at affordable prices. We will provide this service at no cost to low-income families identified by partnerships and direct requests.


Since our launch in 2020, Fare Meals has accomplished a lot. We have:

Grown our audience and established partnerships with numerous non-profit organizations whose clients and constituents benefit from our programs.

Heightened our profile and been featured widely in the media, including NBC, ABC and CBS television and online outlets like The Beet.

Created a growing and competitive digital presence to help build national awareness of the perils of poor nutrition and how to combat it.

Join us in combatting chronic health conditions in America through healthy food options for all families. Help connect us to partner organizations – and become a partner yourself by investing in our work and our growth. Visit our website, fare-, and help spread the word.