Sunflower Strawberry Sandwich

Check out our recipe for homemade strawberry jam and use it for this tasty and healthier take on a classic.




Health Benefit:

Sunflower butter contains protein and other nutrients for overall health. Strawberry jam contains fiber and is lower in sugar.






  • 2 TBSP sunflower butter (can also use peanut butter or almond butter)
  • 1 TBSP homemade strawberry jam (recipe on website)
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread (optional to remove crusts)

You can use any kind of jam or jelly you prefer. You can also sub sunflower butter for a different type of nut butter, like almond, cashew, or peanut butter. Lastly, you can use a gluten free or whole grain bread alternative.

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Spread an even layer of sunflower seed butter on each piece of whole wheat bread, using 1 TBSP for each slide

Step 2

Spread an even layer of strawberry jam only on one side, using 1 TBSP

Step 3

Put the sandwich together by placing the side without jam on top of the side with jam

Step 4

Cut into triangles; Serve or pack as a lunch

Step 5
